What You Need to Know to Run a Math Tutoring Franchise | Mathnasium

Despite all of its successes, the sad truth is that the United States continues to fall behind a number of other developed nations when it comes to our children’s math and science scores. While the answer in the long run may be investing additional resources into our education system, this option does little to help parents whose children are struggling today. Educational services such as Mathnasium address this issue by providing children with the tools and private instruction that they need to succeed. Mathnasium provides an individualized approach to mathematical education known as the Mathnasium Method. Developed by a math teacher, this product is designed to work in conjunction with the child’s current educational curriculum, and has helped thousands of children improve their math grades and test scores.

With a thriving market demand and a sound product, education franchises such as Mathnasium are a wise business investment. As with any investment, though, it is advisable to do your homework, so to speak, when it comes to purchasing an education franchise. Here are five things you should know about owning an education franchise; this information will help you make a wise decision and will help ensure your business’s success:

1. You should do as much work before you open your doors as after.

The success of any education franchise lies in your preparation. You need to ensure that a market demand exists for your product, and that the product itself is successful and well-suited to meet that demand. Also, you should verify that there are personnel and a program in place to teach you about the product and to offer assistance even after your business is on its feet.

Mathnasium’s franchises have been successful precisely because they meet these qualifications. We have an ever-increasing demand for our product and a proven track record of success. We provide you with the skills you need to get started right away, and are here to offer expert advice anytime it is needed. Our purchasing and implementation processes are simple and easy to understand, and you can rest assured that we will be here to help you every step of the way.

2. You should create–and follow–a business plan.

Creating a business plan is sound advice for any business venture, and investing in an education franchise is no different. Drafting your business plan is a great opportunity to review your finances (both on-hand and lending options), and to research the type of monetary investment that your franchise purchase will require. Business plan templates–including those for franchises–are available in a number of places online, and can help to keep you and your business on track.

While you may have an idea of a generalized “business plan” in mind, putting it in writing can make a big difference when it comes to your ability to see the big picture and to achieve your personal and professional goals. Plus, if you are going to need to secure financing for your franchise, a formal business plan can be a powerful tool in making that happen.

3. You should use the established principles that have already been shown to work.

One of the primary benefits of owning a franchise as opposed to starting a business from scratch is that you get to draw upon the experiences–and successful practices–of others. With an education franchise such as Mathnasium, you will be given the products and guidance that you need to incorporate our successful track record into your own business. There is a good reason why education-based businesses such as Mathnasium are available as franchises in the first place; it is because they have already been proven to work. Build on those past successes in order to obtain your own success.

4. You should take advantage of the help provided.

Another benefit of purchasing an education franchise as opposed to starting a standalone business is that when you purchase a franchise, you become part of a team. You can learn from others in real time rather than having to address any issues on your own. At Mathnasium, we have experts on hand to offer you any assistance you need for everything from product questions to proven advertising strategies. Take advantage of the help that is available, and you will never be alone in your business endeavors.

5. You will have access to ever-improving products to help your business succeed.

As you create and strengthen your business over time, your education franchise will continue to have access to the latest cutting-edge approaches to the mathematics field. You will be given the opportunity to offer your clients new products and programs specifically developed to address their needs. At Mathnasium, our products have a demonstrated track record of success, and we will be able to share our latest developments and programs with you and your clients, resulting in increased success for your business.

Starting any new business can be a scary process. But by choosing an education franchise such as Mathnasium, you can reduce your risk–and your stress. Consider these five points of information, and we welcome you to contact Mathnasium for more information if you decide that owning an education franchise is right for you.